CENSORED: Where to buy Twin Affairs & Cursed Blessings

705Twin Affairs has been banned by Amazon since its release. The Kindle format file is available for purchase through Fantastic Fiction Publishing (where it’s ON SALE!), All Romance Ebooks and Smashwords. I’ve also been informed the epub file from Barnes and Noble also works on Kindle.

701As of this week, Cursed Blessings has been labeled as “adult material” on Amazon, which means it no longer shows up on my author page on Amazon AND it doesn’t show up if you search for it by title and by my author name. HOWEVER, it is still for sale on Amazon, but you can only access the page by direct link. This is the direct link. As with all of my books, it is also for sale through ALL major vendors.

I’m asked constantly when Twin Affairs will be released on Kindle format. It’s out, I promise. The only reason you can’t find it is because Amazon thinks they get to determine what you should be able to read. Buy links for all of my stories can always be found in the side column of the front page of my website.

If you’re a fan of books, creativity, self-expression and freedom of speech, I wholeheartedly, encourage you to NOT shop at Amazon and purchase your books direct from the publisher, or ANY other retailer. Their censorship policies are constantly expanding, severely restricting authors, publishers, cover artists, etc. Their censorship bots flag certain words, certain content, penalize and terrorize small, indie publishers. Their bots also have been cracking down on what can be shown in cover art, which is why Cursed Blessings got flagged as adult material and buried on their site. Amazon also keeps a majority of the profits from every single sale they make, with only a very small percentage leftover for the author, publisher, cover artist, editor, proofreader, etc. No other vendor does this. Because Amazon wants the monopoly over the book market, they offer modest “savings” to tempt customers, but those savings hurt the people working their asses off to produce quality products and threatening other vendors who offer similar services without the terrorizing and severe restrictions of freedom of speech and press. I know many people love to shop at Amazon because of how easy the one-click shopping is, but I promise you, there’s a huge unseen cost.

I write my books for ADULTS. I will never censor my content to appease a corporation who fancies themselves the morals and ethics police over grown adults fully capable of making choices for themselves. If you’d like to continue to see kinky, sexy, dirty, thrilling, boundary-pushing content in your books, please shop somewhere besides Amazon.

Thank you so much for reading.

Much love,

2 thoughts on “CENSORED: Where to buy Twin Affairs & Cursed Blessings

  1. i am enlightened Lyn, thank you. I had no idea the control they placed on authors. I will adjust my purchasing from now on that’s for sure.

    • Yes, and it’s a ridiculous problem to have to deal with, especially in this day and age. You’d think we were beyond this level of censorship and such bad business practices, but I guess not. Thank you for reading! It’s much appreciated!

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